Our next generation of high precision plasma cutters work the way you do – intelligently. Ultra-Cut XT systems give you the flexibility to increase cutting power and the assurance of superior quality, higher productivity and lower cutting costs. Ultra-Cut XT systems are available in 130A to 400A outputs for cutting plate up to 2″ (50 mm) thick. And because its Modular Power Technology allows adding 100 Amp modules, the system grows with your business.

The new Ultra-Cut XT technology provides the next generation of higher productivity, increased flexibility and confidence in high precision plasma cutting. This performance on mild steel will meet or beat anyone and is superior on non-ferrous metals. With the ability to grow with your business, you can expand from one system to the next higher in minutes. The Ultra-Cut XT systems utilize StepUp™ modular power technology, allowing units to be easily upgraded – ensuring you always have the right amount of power today – and tomorrow.



  • Superior Cut Quality Means Greater Efficiency
  • Higher Productivity Delivers Greater Profits
  • Scrap Cutter Option
  • Now More Energy Efficient
  • Intelligent Solutions Set Us Apart
  • Water Mist Secondary (WMS) optimizes non-ferrous metal cutting
  • Reliability – Performance You Can Rely On


  • Control unit
  • CNC cutting equipment


Rated Output (Amps)
Output Range (Amps)
Output (Volts)
Input Volts
(Volts, Phase, Hertz)
Input Amps
(Amps, Volts)
Duty Cycle
Plasma Gas
Shield Gas
Power Supply Weight
(H x W x D)
Ultra-Cut® 130 XT
130 A
5-130 A
180 V
230 V, 3 ph, 50-60 Hz,
380 V, 3 ph, 50-60 Hz,
400 V, 3 ph, 50-60 Hz
480 V, 3 ph, 50-60 Hz
600 V, 3 ph, 50-60 Hz
78 A @ 230V
43 A @ 380 V
41 A @ 400 V
34 A @ 480 V
30 A @ 600 V
(@ 104ºF / 40º C) 100% (23.4 kW)
425 V
Air, O2, Ar-H2, N2 @ 120 psi
(8.3 bar) and Ar for marking
with DFC 3000
Air, N2, O2 @ 120 psi (8.3 bar),
H20 @ 10 GPH (0.6 l/min)
740 lbs (336 kg) for 230V
410 lbs (186 kg) for 380, 400, 480V
652 lbs (296 kg) for 600V
(1219 mm x 698 mm x 1031 mm)
H:+ 17.5" (445 mm) for
230V / 600V units
Ultra-Cut 200 XT
200 A
5-200 A
180 V
230V, 3 ph, 50-60Hz
380 V, 3 ph, 50-60 Hz,
400 V, 3 ph, 50-60 Hz,
480 V, 3 ph, 50-60 Hz
600V, 3ph, 50-60Hz
121 A @ 230 V
65 A @ 380 V
62 A @ 400 V
52 A @ 480 V
45 A @ 600 V
100% (40 kW)
425 V
Air, O2, Ar-H2, N2 @ 120 psi
(8.3 bar) and Ar for marking
with DFC 3000
Air, N2, O2 @ 120 psi (8.3 bar),
H20 @ 10 GPH (0.6 l/min)
1001 lbs (455 kg) for 230V
410 lbs (186 kg) for 380, 400, 480V
718 lbs (326 kg) for 600V
48.0" x 27.5" x 40.6"
(1219 mm x 698 mm x 1031 mm)
H:+ 17.5" (445 mm) for
230V / 600V units
Ultra-Cut® 300 XT
300 A
5-300 A
180 V
230 V, 3 ph, 50-60 Hz,
380 V, 3 ph, 50-60 Hz,
400 V, 3 ph, 50-60 Hz
480 V, 3 ph, 50-60 Hz
600 V, 3 ph, 50-60 Hz
194 A @ 230 V
97 A @ 380 V
93 A @ 400 V
77 A @ 480 V
73 A @ 600 V
100% (60 kW)
425 V
Air, O2, Ar-H2, N2 @ 120 psi
(8.3 bar) and Ar for marking
with DFC 3000
Air, N2, O2 @ 120 psi (8.3 bar),
H20 @ 10 GPH (0.6 l/min)
1220 lbs (555 kg) for 230V
410 lbs (186 kg) for 380, 400, 480V
783 lbs (356 kg) for 600V
48.0" x 27.5" x 40.6"
(1219 mm x 698 mm x 1031 mm)
H:+ 17.5" (445 mm) for
230V / 600V units
Ultra-Cut 400 XT
400 A
5-400 A
200 V
380 V, 3 ph, 50-60 Hz,
400 V, 3 ph, 50-60 Hz
480 V, 3 ph, 50-60 Hz
600 V, 3 ph, 50-60 Hz
144 A @ 380 V
137 A @ 400 V
114 A @ 480 V
96 A @ 600 V
100% (80 kW)
425 V
Air, O2, Ar-H2, N2 @ 120 psi
(8.3 bar) and Ar for marking
with DFC 3000
Air, N2, O2, Ar-H2 @ 120 psi (8.3
bar), H20 @ 10 GPH (0.6 l/min)
410 lbs (186 kg) for 380, 400, 480V
849 lbs (386 kg) for 600V
48.0" x 27.5" x 40.6"
(1219 mm x 698 mm x 1031 mm)
H:+ 17.5" (445 mm) for 600V units


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+27 (10) 745 9749